Faites vibrer votre essence
19-21 mai, France
Nous partagerons avec vous nos passions, ce qui fait vibrer nos cœurs !
Le mouvement, le souffle, le chant et les vibrations des instruments sacrés, pour créer ensemble unenouvelles vibrations, plus haut et soutenu par les énergies ascendantes du week-end de l'Ascension. Notre intention est deéveillernotre énergie vitale pour entrer au coeur du printempsalignéet faire vibrer notrevraiessence.
Durant ce week-end, vous...
Be en contact avec la nature
Déconnectez-vous de votre emploi du temps quotidien
Détendez-vous, restaurez, rechargez votre énergie vitale
Bien dormir, bien manger et avoir du temps libre
Plantez les graines des changements que vous souhaitez voir dans votre vie
Élevez vos vibrations et videz votre esprit du bruit mental
Thursday 11.07
12:00 - Arrival
18:00 - Biodanza & Gong Bath
21:00 - Dinner
Friday 12.07
7:00 - Kundalini Yoga
8:30 - Breakfast
10:00 - Breathwork
14:00 - Lunch and free time
18:00 - Sacred Tantra
21:00 - Dinner
Saturday 13.07
7:00 - Kundalini Yoga
8:30 - Breakfast
10:00 - Tea Ceremony
14:00 - Lunch and free time
18:00 - Gong Meditation
21:00 - Dinner
Sunday 14.07
8:30 - Breakfast
Sun & sea
Lunch and free time
18:00 - Sacred Tantra
21:00 - Dinner
Monday 15.07
7:00 - Kundalini Yoga
8:30 - Breakfast
10:00 - Sacred Tantra
14:00 - Lunch and free time
18:00 - Cacao Ceremony & Ecstatic Dance
21:00 - Dinner
Tuesday 16.07
7:00 - Kundalini Yoga & Japa
8:30 - Breakfast
10:00 - Closing Circle
We will hold the space together with my dear friend
Argyro Davanelou
Argyro begun her path in 2005 training in various methods of alternative therapies. Her vision encompasses the empowerment of human, the awakening of the source love that flows freely within each one of us and the remembrance of our timeless and limitless existence. She sees life as a celebratory process when gratitude and an open heart are present to embrace whatever comes our way.
Argyro is a certified Biodanza teacher in the Rolando Toro (SRT) system, a certified Theta Healing therapist, holder of Feminine Sacred healing massage, Usui Reiki, Ayurvedic and Thai massage degrees.
She began her training in Sacred Tantra and shamanism in 2014 and teaches since then Sacred tantra, offers tantric meditative massages, breathwork and shamanism workshops in Athens, Patras and other places in Greece and abroad. In 2018 she opened several Women‘s Circles in Greece and in 2022 she completed her training in Tea Ceremony and plant healing meditations, an ancient way of
remembrance of our inherent wisdom, the profound connection with nature and consciousness expansion (with Jade Brunel).
She continues to learn and taste the light and truth that exists within her and it is always her joy and great blessing to share this feeling with the universal family that exists around her in the workshop groups.